박서보(b.1931-)는 한국 현대미술의 1세대로서 모더니즘 형식주의 및 추상미술의 태동을 이끌어낸 작가이다. 1954년 홍익대학교 회화과를 졸업했고, 1956년 대한민국 미술전람회의 무개성적인 경향을 거부하며 ‘반(反) 국전’을 선언했다. 1958년 ‘현대미술가협회’, 1962년 ‘악뛰엘(Actuel)’ 결성에 참여하면서 한국 앵포르멜 미술 운동에 주력하였다. 1963년 제3회 파리 비엔날레, 1965년 제5회 상파울루 비엔날레에 참여하면서 동시대 세계미술과 교류했으며, 1960년대 말 이우환과 교류하면서 단색조 회화의 발판을 마련했다. 아울러 그는 1970-80년 한국미술협회 부이사장 및 이사장을 맡으면서 단색화 운동을 주도했으며, 1979년 대한민국 문화예술상, 1987년 예총 예술문화 대상, 1995년 서울특별시 문화상, 2011년 은관문화훈장, 2014년 이동훈 미술상 등을 수상했다. 1962-97년 홍익대학교 회화과 교수를 역임했고, 1994년 서보 미술문화재단을 설립했다.
6.25 전쟁 직후인 1957년에서 1960년대 중반까지, 그의 <원형질>연작 시대에는 전후 한국의 정서를 담은 앵포르멜 계열의 표현 추상회화가 주를 이루었다. 1960년대 중반에서 1970년대까지의 <유전질 혹은 허상>시리즈에는 옵 아트와 팝아트 계열의 색채 추상 실험이 나타났다. 이후 1970년대 초부터 현재까지 이어지고 있는 <묘법>은 동양 사상을 기반으로 하는 박서보의 대표적인 추상 시리즈로 평가되며, 반복적인 ‘그리기’ 행위를 통해 추상회화를 정신적 영역으로 승화시켰다는 평가를 받는다. 1980년대 후반을 기점으로 ‘묘법’ 시리즈를 전기와 후기로 구분하고 있는 평론가 김복영은, 전기에는 손의 작동에 자신을 내맡기는 자동기술에 크게 의존하는 반면 후기에는 자동성을 지니면서도 엄격한 분석과 치밀한 통제에 의해 작업이 진행된다고 언급하였다.
2019년 국립현대미술관에서 열린 대형 회고전을 비롯하여 같은 해, 독일 랑엔 재단(Langen Foundation), 2006년 프랑스 생떼띠엔느 근대미술관(Musée d’art moderne et contemporain de Saint-Étienne) 등 국내외 유수 기관에서 개인전을 가졌다. 이 외에도 1975년에 열렸던 동경화랑의 《한국 5인의 작가: 다섯 가지 흰 색》 전시가 2018년, 43년만에 다시 전시되었으며, 중국 상하이 파워롱미술관(Powerlong Art Museum) 《한국의 추상미술: 김환기와 단색화》, 2016년 벨기에 보고시안 재단(Boghossion Foundation)의 《과정이 형태가 될 때: 단색화와 한국 추상미술》, 2015년 베니스 비엔날레 공식 병행전시 《단색화》, 2012년 국립현대미술관 《한국의 단색화》, 1992년 영국 테이트 리버풀(Tate Liverpool) 《자연과 함께: 한국 현대미술 속에 깃 든 전통정신》 등의 단체전에서 작품이 소개되었다. 작품의 주요 소장처로는 국립현대미술관, 도쿄도 현대미술(Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo), 파리 퐁피두센터(The Centre Pompidou), 구겐하임 아부다비(The Guggenheim Abu Dhabi), 그리고 홍콩 M+미술관 등이 있다.
Art Without Borders
30 November 2020 - 30 January 2021 -
Park Seo-Bo
Langen Foundation, Neuss, Germany 8 August 2020The Langen Foundation is pleased to present the first solo exhibition in Germany by Park Seo-Bo (b. 1931). Regarded as one of the leading figures in contemporary Korean art, Park...Learn More -
Tina Kim Gallery Presents: Art Without Borders
During this campaign, Tina Kim Gallery will donate 100% of net proceeds from the sale of limited edition collectible tea towels to support Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)’s COVID-19 response. 4 May - 30 June 2020 -
Marking Time: Process in Minimal Abstraction
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum 18 December 2019 - 20 July 2020During the 1960s and 1970s, many artists working with abstraction rid their styles of compositional, chromatic, and virtuosic flourishes. As some turned toward such minimal approaches, a singular emphasis on...Learn More -
Park Seo Bo: The Untiring Endeavorer
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea 18 May - 1 September 2019The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (MMCA) presents a retrospective of Park Seo-Bo, an artist who played a pioneering role in the development of Korean contemporary abstract...Learn More -
Rhythm in Monochrome | Korean Abstract Painting
Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery 14 October - 24 December 2017Rhythm in Monochrome: Korean Abstract Painting at the Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery. This exhibition features Kim Whanki, Kwon Young-Woo, Chung Chang-Sup, Park Seo-Bo, Chung Sang-Hwa, Ha Chong-Hyun, and Lee...Learn More -
Park Seo-Bo
Ecriture: Black and White 11 November - 23 December 2016 -
When Process Becomes Form: Dansaekhwa and Korean Abstraction
The Boghossian Foundation 20 February - 24 April 2016Kukje Gallery / Tina Kim Gallery and The Boghossian Foundation – Villa Empain present: When Process Becomes Form: Dansaekhwa and Korean Abstraction Chung Chang-Sup, Chung Sang-Hwa, Ha Chong-Hyun, Kim Whanki,...Learn More -
Dansaekhwa In Venice
Collateral Event of the 56th International Art Exhibition 15 May - 18 August 2015
Hans Ulrich Obrist's plea for handwriting in the digital age
Art Basel March 14, 2025Umberto Eco alerted me early on to the importance of handwriting. In 2009, he told The Guardian : ‘The art of handwriting teaches us to...Learn More -
Suho's Top Picks from Frieze Viewing Room
Frieze February 22, 2025The K-pop star and actor chooses a dramatic painting by Janaina Tschäpe and a deeply meditative piece by Park Seo-Bo. Park Seo-Bo, Ecriture No. 16–21...Learn More -
Acts of Nullification in Park Seo-Bo and Ha Chong-Hyun
Art Asia Pacific January 20, 2025If the Korean monochrome movement known as Dansaekhwa has been typically understood as exemplifying notions of emptiness and non-action, then one has to marvel at...Learn More -
International appeal: Painters from all over the world whose work you should know
Flux Magazine December 27, 2024Art is something of a universal language, as it exists all over the world and manages to portray themes that are both universal and specific...Learn More -
TEFAF New York 2024: 20 Editor-Approved Picks Not to Miss
Architectural Digest May 3, 2024Next weekend, culturalists will gather at the Park Avenue Armory for the 10th annual edition of TEFAF New York 2024 , the American satellite of...Learn More -
Announcing 2024 Exhibitions
January 5, 2024Tina Kim Gallery is proud to announce our 2024 programming. Our spring season begins with a solo exhibition of Amsterdam-based artist Jennifer Tee , whose...Learn More -
Park Seo-Bo, Whose Quiet Paintings Trumpeted Korean Art, Dies at 91
The New York Times October 23, 2023Park Seo-Bo, a painter whose elegantly furrowed monochromes and indefatigable drive made him a pillar of the Korean art world, died on Oct. 14 in...Learn More -
Park Seo-Bo, Key Figure in Dansaekhwa Movement, Dies at 91
ArtNews October 15, 2023Park Seo-Bo , a key figure in South Korea’s Dansaekhwa Movement, has died at the age of 91. The artist died of lung cancer, a...Learn More -
In Memoriam Park Seo-Bo (1931-2023)
October 14, 2023On the morning of October 14th in Korea, Park Seo-Bo, an influential leader of the Korean Dansaekhwa movement, passed away at the age of 92....Learn More -
In The Frieze Mix
FAD Magazine October 13, 2023At almost 92, Korean dansaekhwa master Park Seo-Bo is still developing the ‘ecstatic minimalism’ of the monochrome series – begun in the 1967 – featuring...Learn More -
Jin Meyerson on Park Seo-Bo
ArtAsiaPacific September 1, 2023Arriving late at the home of renowned Korean artist Park Seo-Bo after fighting Seoul’s traffic, I find him holding court at the head of a...Learn More -
Frieze Debuts in Seoul, With Big-Name Galleries and a Hometown Spectacle
The New York Times August 30, 2022High-end art fairs have been giving themselves global brand extensions for years, and the latest one, Frieze Seoul, is among the more ambitious. Frieze —...Learn More -
Advisory Perspective: FOG Design+Art: Artwork Selections
Ocula January 20, 2022Shifting between the realms of contemporary art and design, FOG Design+Art in San Francisco brings over 40 dealers and galleries together from around the world....Learn More -
Korean art master Park Seo-bo draws line at NFTs
The Korea Herald November 12, 2021South Korean art master Park Seo-bo confirmed that he would not allow his works to be produced as NFTs, or nonfungible tokens, stressing that digital...Learn More -
Park Seo-bo awarded Geumgwan Order for contribution to Korean art
The Korea Herald October 22, 2021Korean abstract artist Park Seo-bo was awarded South Korea’s highest cultural honor, the Geumgwan Order of Cultural Merit, in a ceremony held at the National...Learn More -
A Towering Figure in South Korean Art Plans His Legacy
The New York Times June 16, 2021SEOUL — In 1951, as the Korean War dragged on, a young artist named Park Jae-Hong headed toward Seoul. The conflict had cut short his...Learn More -
[Museum of One’s Own] At age of 90, artist pioneers new phase of life
The Korea Herald July 6, 2020A white porcelain moon jar, which resembles a full moon with its bluish hue, sits alone at the entrance hall at the Gizi Art Base...Learn More -
A Full View, at Last, of Modern Art in South Korea
The New York Times June 25, 2020Many rich nations use art, music and movies to project an image to the world, but few take it as seriously as South Korea —...Learn More -
8 Fascinating Finds from the FOG Design+Art Fair in San Francisco
Galerie Magazine January 15, 2020The booming tech industry has yielded a crop of new collectors who favor younger new-media artists, as well as those bridging utilitarian design with sculptural...Learn More -
Tina Kim Gallery Presents Dansaekhwa Works at FOG
Whitewall Magazine January 15, 2020FOG Design + Art opens tomorrow in San Francisco. Of the 48 galleries participating, there are several first-timers, including Tina Kim Gallery. Whitewaller caught up...Learn More -
The 10 Best Booths at Art Basel in Miami Beach
Artsy December 5, 2019For her first-ever solo presentation at Art Basel in Miami Beach, Tina Kim selected a handful of Dansekhwa (Korean minimalist) works in addition to stranger,...Learn More -
Park Seo-Bo in Conversation
Ocula November 3, 2018By Ines Min Park Seo-Bo is widely recognised as the godfather of modern Korean art. The artist played an instrumental role in nurturing the careers...Learn More -
Skin & Surface What is Dansaekhwa and what is its legacy today?
Frieze February 20, 2015By Yoon Jin Sup, Joan Kee, Sam Bardaouil, and Till Rellrath '...Tansaekhwa artists regarded themselves as painters, yet their kind of painting had little to...Learn More