하종현(b. 1935)은 삼베로 만들어진 캔버스 뒷면으로부터 페인트를 두껍게 밀어 넣는 방식으로 자신만의 독특한 화풍을 전개해 왔다. 루치오 폰타나(Lucio Fontana)의 정교하게 찢긴 캔버스 천이나 프랭크 스텔라(Frank Stella)의 초기작에서 엿볼 수 있는 캔버스 테두리와 비슷한 감상을 풍기는 하종현의 회화는 전통문화와 미술사적 흐름을 능숙하게 통합해 내는 그의 회화 기술을 잘 보여준다. 작가가 본격적으로 한국 화단에서 작품 활동을 시작한 1960년대부터 전위적인 미술활동을 표방하고, 원색의 도안적 패턴을 특징으로 하는 앵포르멜과 기하 추상 시리즈를 통해 전통적인 회화 어법에서 탈피하고자 시도하였다. 1969년부터 1973년까지 한국아방가르드협회의 멤버로 적극 활동하며 탈회화한 작업들을 선보였다. 하종현의 오브제 작업은 철조망과 가시, 용수철, 석고 신문 등 비전통적인 재료를 사용하여 물질의 속성을 대비시키는 방식을 보여주었다. 1974년부터 현재까지 이어오고 있는 작가의 <접합> 시리즈는 단순히 회화가 아닌 물질성이 뚜렷한 오브제 작업의 연장선에서 이해할 수 있다. 두꺼운 물감 위로 쓸고, 긁고, 밀어내는 작가의 순수한 행위와 신체 흔적 또한 물감의 물질성을 있는 그대로 드러낸다. 2010년부터 시작된, 천을 씌운 나무 막대 틈 사이로 물감이 비집고 나오도록 한 <이후 접합> 시리즈에서도 다양한 색과 거울, 천 등 여러 사물을 이용하는 등 그의 초기작에서 나타난 실험정신을 계속해서 보여주고 있다.
하종현은 1935년 경남 산청에서 출생했으며, 1959년 홍익대학교 회화과를 졸업하였다. 1990년부터 1994년까지 홍익대 미술대학 학장, 2001년부터 2006년까지 서울시립미술관 관장을 역임했다. 주요 전시로는 1972년 도쿄 긴자화랑, 1974년 서울 명동화랑의 개인전과 1970년대에는 《에꼴 드 서울》, 《앙데팡당》 등의 주요 단체전 등이 있다. 1980년대 국내 및 일본에서 마련된 기획전 《아시아현대미술》(1980), 《한국현대미술의 위상》(1982), 《한국현대미술 : 70년대 후반 하나 의 양상》(1983) 등에 참여하며 현재까지 국내외에서 한국 단색화 주요 작가로 활동하고 있다. 2012년에는 국립현대미술관에서 대규모의 회고전을 가졌으며, 2023년 국립현대미술관과 구겐하임 미술관의 순회전 《한국실험미술: 1960-70년대》에 초청받았다. 하종현의 작업은 뉴욕 구겐하임 미술관(Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum), 시카고 미술관(The Art Institute of Chicago), 홍콩 M+, 도쿄도 미술관(Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum), 히로시마 현대미술관(Hiroshima MOCA), 리움 미술관, 국립현대미술관 등 세계 주요 미술 기관에 영구소장 되었다.
Ha Chong-Hyun 5975
Art Sonje Center 14 February - 20 April 2025Art Sonje Center is pleased to present Ha Chong-Hyun 5975 , an exhibition dedicated to the early works of Ha Chong-Hyun, spanning the years 1959 to 1975. Running from February...Learn More -
Ha Chong-Hyun
50 Years of Conjunction 7 November - 21 December 2024 -
Ha Chong-Hyun
The 59th Venice Biennale Collateral Event 23 April - 24 August 2022Collateral Event of the 59th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia Curated by Sunjung Kim April 23 – August 24, 2022 | Palazzetto Tito (Istituzione Fondazione Bevilacqua La...Learn More -
Ha Chong-Hyun
Return to Color 8 May - 30 June 2021Tina Kim Gallery is pleased to present Return to Color, a solo exhibition of works by Ha Chong-Hyun (b. 1935), one of the leading members of the Dansaekhwa movement. Marking...Learn More -
Art Without Borders
30 November 2020 - 30 January 2021 -
The Winner of 17th LEE Donghoon Art Award : Ha Chong Hyun
The Daejeon Museum of Art 29 September - 20 December 2020The Daejeon Museum of Art presents the work of Ha Chong Hyun, winner of the 17th Lee Donghoon Award. The Lee Donghoon Award was established to commemorate the artistic legacy...Learn More -
War Within, War Without, Collection 1940s-1970s
Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY 16 June 2020Ha Chong-Hyun's Conjunction 74-26 , 1974 is on view in MoMA's Gallery 420: War Within, War Without , a part of its show, Collections 1940s-1970s . Ha Chong-Hyun’s experimental Conjunction...Learn More -
Tina Kim Gallery Presents: Art Without Borders
During this campaign, Tina Kim Gallery will donate 100% of net proceeds from the sale of limited edition collectible tea towels to support Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)’s COVID-19 response. 4 May - 30 June 2020 -
Korean Abstract Art: Kim Whanki and Dansaekhwa
Powerlong Museum, Shanghai 8 November 2018 - 2 March 2019Curator: Wang Chunjie Participating artists: Kim Whanki, Kwon Young-Woo, Chung Chang-Sup, Park Seo-Bo, Chung Sang-Hwa, Ha Chong-Hyun, Lee Ufan 'Shanghai’s Powerlong Museum is pleased to announce Korean Abstract Art: Kim...Learn More -
Ha Chong-Hyun
Conjunction 4 May - 16 June 2018 -
Rhythm in Monochrome | Korean Abstract Painting
Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery 14 October - 24 December 2017Rhythm in Monochrome: Korean Abstract Painting at the Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery. This exhibition features Kim Whanki, Kwon Young-Woo, Chung Chang-Sup, Park Seo-Bo, Chung Sang-Hwa, Ha Chong-Hyun, and Lee...Learn More -
When Process Becomes Form: Dansaekhwa and Korean Abstraction
The Boghossian Foundation 20 February - 24 April 2016Kukje Gallery / Tina Kim Gallery and The Boghossian Foundation – Villa Empain present: When Process Becomes Form: Dansaekhwa and Korean Abstraction Chung Chang-Sup, Chung Sang-Hwa, Ha Chong-Hyun, Kim Whanki,...Learn More -
Ha Chong-Hyun
Conjunction 6 November - 12 December 2015 -
Ha Chong-Hyun
Kukje Gallery 17 September - 25 October 2015Kukje Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition of Ha Chong-Hyun, one of the leading members of Dansaekhwa. This exhibition provides a valuable opportunity to experience an important artist...Learn More -
Dansaekhwa In Venice
Collateral Event of the 56th International Art Exhibition 15 May - 18 August 2015 -
Ha Chong-Hyun Retrospective
National Museum of Contemporary Art (NMOCA), Gwacheon, Korea 15 June - 12 August 2012The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea (NMOCA) presents the exhibition Ha, Chong-Hyun Retrospective from 15th June - 12th August, 2012. To help establish a comprehensive history of contemporary art...Learn More
Lecture on the Early Works of Ha Chong-Hyun
Art Sonje Center, Seoul March 11, 2025Art Sonje Center will host a lecture program on Saturday, March 22 in conjunction with Ha Chong-Hyun 5975 , an exhibition dedicated to the early...Learn More -
Billy Cotton's Top Picks from Frieze Viewing Room
Frieze February 13, 2025The designer’s choices from Frieze Viewing Room includes works by Carolina Caycedo, Alice Neel and Emmanuel Louisnord Desir. Ha Chong-Hyun, Conjunction 24-12 , 2024 Oil...Learn More -
Acts of Nullification in Park Seo-Bo and Ha Chong-Hyun
Art Asia Pacific January 20, 2025If the Korean monochrome movement known as Dansaekhwa has been typically understood as exemplifying notions of emptiness and non-action, then one has to marvel at...Learn More -
Jeong Seon, Rodin, Louise Bourgeois, Mark Bradford: Art to see in 2025
The Korea Times January 1, 2025The Korean art market faced headwinds in 2024, with a prolonged downturn that dampened auction and fair sales after the pandemic-fueled spending spree. August will...Learn More -
50 years into art, Ha Chong-Hyun reinvents with luxury
Jing Daily January 1, 2025In his 50-plus years of being an artist, Ha Chong-Hyun’s debut brand collaboration came with Dior in 2023 — a stark contrast to today’s artists...Learn More -
Three Essential Korean Painters Have Shows in New York Right Now. Run, Don’t Walk
Artnet December 20, 2024New York galleries are about to shutter for their holiday breaks, but before they do, can I entice you to take a pause from shopping...Learn More -
Frieze L.A. 2024: Highlights From the Fair
Women's Wear Daily March 3, 2024“We’re very excited to be in L.A.,” said art dealer and gallery owner Tina Kim, who’s based in New York. Known for introducing Asian artists...Learn More -
This Spring, the Korean Avant-Garde Lands In Los Angeles
Artnet February 9, 2024'Recently, K-culture seems to be attracting global attention,” observes 81-year-old artist Lee Kun-Yong. “After the Korean War, everyone was trying to make a living—pursuing art...Learn More -
Fog Design + Art Fair Celebrates 10 Years With Swift Sales and Artist-First Programming
Artnet January 19, 2024FOG Design+Art Fair has hit its 10-year milestone—and its stride. The fair opened on January 18 at San Francisco’s waterfront Fort Mason Center to a...Learn More -
Announcing 2024 Exhibitions
January 5, 2024Tina Kim Gallery is proud to announce our 2024 programming. Our spring season begins with a solo exhibition of Amsterdam-based artist Jennifer Tee , whose...Learn More -
5 Museum Shows to See This Fall in New York City
Testudio September 5, 2023Only the Young: Experimental Art in Korea, 1960s-1970s , The Guggenheim - Sept 1 - Jan 7 Korean Experimental art (silheom misul ) was born...Learn More -
Frieze Debuts in Seoul, With Big-Name Galleries and a Hometown Spectacle
The New York Times August 30, 2022High-end art fairs have been giving themselves global brand extensions for years, and the latest one, Frieze Seoul, is among the more ambitious. Frieze —...Learn More -
Ha Chong-Hyun, retrospective
Juliet July 28, 2022Collateral event of La Biennale di Venezia April 23—August 24, 2022 By Marina Zorz The Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa is hosting one of the collateral...Learn More -
Ha Chong-Hyun
The New York Times April 21, 2022VENICE — After a delay, this city is once again filled with the art class — the pavilions are full, and the parties are thrumming....Learn More -
Ha Chong-Hyun
E-flux March 28, 2022Collateral Event of the 59th Venice Biennale April 23–August 24, 2022 Kukje Art and Culture Foundation is pleased to present a solo exhibition of work...Learn More -
Best Gallery Exhibitions Summer 2021
Observer June 1, 2021This summer galleries are opening doors and welcoming in art lovers, we picked out the ones you won't want to miss. “Return To Color” with...Learn More -
What Abstraction Can Face Up To
Hyperallergic May 15, 2021Ha Chong-Hyun has survived the many catastrophes that have befallen Korea during his lifetime, and his work is inextricable from his life.Learn More -
'Dansaekhwa' artist Ha Chong-hyun holds exhibition in New York
The Korea Times March 12, 2021'Dansaekhwa' artist Ha Chong-hyun, 86, is exhibiting his latest works showcasing his 'relationship with color' at Tina Kim Gallery in New York through June 30....Learn More -
Dansaekhwa artist Ha Chong-hyun presents 'Conjunction' in London
The Korea Times October 7, 2020Renowned dansaekhwa (Korean monochrome painting) artist Ha Chong-hyun opened a solo exhibition at Almine Rech Gallery London, Tuesday. The artist, 85, is best known for...Learn More -
A Full View, at Last, of Modern Art in South Korea
The New York Times June 25, 2020Many rich nations use art, music and movies to project an image to the world, but few take it as seriously as South Korea —...Learn More -
8 Fascinating Finds from the FOG Design+Art Fair in San Francisco
Galerie Magazine January 15, 2020The booming tech industry has yielded a crop of new collectors who favor younger new-media artists, as well as those bridging utilitarian design with sculptural...Learn More -
Tina Kim Gallery Presents Dansaekhwa Works at FOG
Whitewall Magazine January 15, 2020FOG Design + Art opens tomorrow in San Francisco. Of the 48 galleries participating, there are several first-timers, including Tina Kim Gallery. Whitewaller caught up...Learn More -
The 10 Best Booths at Art Basel in Miami Beach
Artsy December 5, 2019For her first-ever solo presentation at Art Basel in Miami Beach, Tina Kim selected a handful of Dansekhwa (Korean minimalist) works in addition to stranger,...Learn More -
MoMA’s Nimble New Incarnation Is Well Suited to a World in Constant Flux
Artnet News October 17, 2019[...] If you’ve read anything about the reinstallation of MoMA’s collection, you will know the basics: film, photography, design, and architecture holdings have been integrated...Learn More -
Ha Chong-Hyun Finds Conjunction Between Spirit and Performance
The Korea Times June 16, 2019By Kwon Mee-yoo Throughout his career, artist Ha Chong-hyun, 84, has been searching for an answer to a burning question: What are the fundamental elements...Learn More -
Mexico City’s Major Fair Exposes the Art World’s Renewed Love of Craft
Observer February 8, 2019By Michael Anthony Farley The Subtly Subversive Artists of Korea’s Dansaekhwa For all the utopian connotations that come with evident craft and populist aesthetics—a celebration...Learn More -
Ruggedly Refined Monochrome: Ha Chong-Hyun at Tina Kim
Artcritical June 14, 2018By Robert C. Morgan It is not uncommon among contemporary Korean artists to find the same title used repeatedly for different paintings, often over a...Learn More -
The Anguish of Ha Chong-Hyun’s New Red Paintings in “Conjunction”
Whitewall May 10, 2018By Drew Clayton The Korean art movement, Danasaekhwa, might not be a familiar modernist art term to many, compared to others such as Abstract Expressionism...Learn More -
Amid Renewed Interest in Korean Dansaekhwa Art, Ha Chong-Hyun Continues to Experiment
Artsy November 16, 2015By Jennifer Baum Lagdameo Conjunction, the title that Korean artist Ha Chong-Hyun has given all of his paintings since the early 1970s, is also the...Learn More -
A Conversation with Ha Chong-Hyun by Ines Min
Ocula October 1, 2015by Ines Min Among the now internationally acclaimed Dansaekhwa artists, Ha Chong-Hyun (b. South Korea, 1935) is notable for his undeniable influence on the shifting...Learn More -
Skin & Surface What is Dansaekhwa and what is its legacy today?
Frieze February 20, 2015By Yoon Jin Sup, Joan Kee, Sam Bardaouil, and Till Rellrath '...Tansaekhwa artists regarded themselves as painters, yet their kind of painting had little to...Learn More -
Monochrome Sets You Free
Hyperallergic December 16, 2014By: Robert C. Morgan I discovered the work of Ha Chonghyun in 2000 at an exhibition mounted at the Gwangju City Art Museum, curated by...Learn More