Advisory Perspective: FOG Design+Art: Artwork Selections


Shifting between the realms of contemporary art and design, FOG Design+Art in San Francisco brings over 40 dealers and galleries together from around the world. We select works from this unique hybrid fair that caught our attention.


Kim Tschang-Yeul at Tina Kim Gallery


The late Kim Tschang-Yeul is celebrated for his pensive depictions of water drops.


'I discovered the water drop one morning after working at night. Quite dissatisfied with myself, I had splashed some water with my hands on the back of canvases. And I noticed that the water drops stayed there and were shining on the canvas. It was extraordinary. I thought: that's what I have to do. I wondered if I could make art out of this', Kim explained to Ocula Magazine.


New York-based Tina Kim Gallery has presented two solo exhibitions of Kim's work in 2021 and 2019, and his water drop paintings are a regular feature in the gallery's fair presentations.


—Annabel Downes

January 20, 2022
of 438