Lecture on the Early Works of Ha Chong-Hyun

Art Sonje Center, Seoul

Art Sonje Center will host a lecture program on Saturday, March 22 in conjunction with Ha Chong-Hyun 5975, an exhibition dedicated to the early works of Ha Chong-Hyun.


Kyung An (Curator, Asian Art Initiative and Head, Global Exhibitions Initiative at The Guggenheim) will explore the experimental spirit underpinning Ha’s practice, specifically focusing on his 1960s and 1970s oeuvre within the expanding collection of Post-minimalist and Conceptual art and global exhibitions programming at The Guggenheim.


Kenji Kajiya (Professor at Department of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo) will center his talk on the relationship between Ha Chong-Hyun and Japan, and how the artist’s interactions with the Japanese art world informed his distinct artistic language. 


The lecture program will take place on March 22 at 14:00, inside the Art Hall at Art Sonje Center. Ha Chong-Hyun 5975 is on view at Art Sonje Center through April 20. 

March 11, 2025
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