Park Chan-kyong’s ‘Gathering’ explores what museum can become

The Korea Herald

By Shim Woo-hyun


Park Chan-kyong’s solo exhibition “Gathering” is an exhibition that explores what art museums can become in the contemporary world with constant man-made disasters.


On Saturday, the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art kicked off a solo exhibition of Park, who has been selected as sixth artist of the MMCA Hyundai Motor Series, a 10-year series of solo exhibitions featuring prominent Korean artists, sponsored by Hyundai Motor.


“What art language can be possible after disasters like the Fukushima disaster or the Sewol ferry disaster?” Park said in a statement about the exhibition.


According to Park, museums have the potential to become “places of hope,” not just because they are places to show art but more so because they are places where people can gather and share ideas.


“I wanted to propose that museums are one of the few places left in the contemporary world where individuals can gather together, away from political, social and economic interests,” Park said during a brief interview with The Korea Herald on Monday at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Samcheong-dong area...

October 30, 2019
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