Night Shift: 2021 Title Match: Minouk Lim vs. Young-gyu Jang: SeMA

13 October 2021
Night Shift: 2021 Title Match: Minouk Lim vs. Young-gyu Jang is a joint exhibition that is organized by the Buk-Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA) every year. The exhibition aims to break the framework and redefine its name, which implies competition, by presenting collaborations between artists from different generations and genres. This year, artist Minouk Lim and musician Young-gyu Jang have been invited to collaborate. Encompassing the boundaries between art, music, exhibition, and media, the two artists propose the word “shift,” which contains the meaning of circulation and coexistence, within the principle of reconstruction. The two expand their perspectives on space and time, tracking what changes, moves, or does not change.
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